General Sales Terms and Conditions of GENIUS Station SL

1. Identification of the website owner: The owner of the website, as well as all subdomains and directories included within it (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Website”), is “GENIUS STATION, SL,” with its registered office at Carrer Duran i Bas 3B 08328 Alella Parc, Barcelona, Spain, and VAT number B67625004. Hereinafter referred to as GENIUS. You can contact GENIUS directly and efficiently at the email address:

2. Purpose: This document establishes the general sales conditions for products, contract terms for training and subscriptions offered on the website, including the subscription to the services of the Genius Ai artificial intelligence algorithm. All documents attesting to the course you have subscribed to, along with any specific conditions that may have been agreed upon with you, will be part of your contract with GENIUS.

The courses and subscriptions consist of non-regulated online and/or physical training in the taught disciplines, and the diplomas or certificates issued, if any, are not official. The courses and subscriptions offered can be taken online, and the documents that make up the training program for each of them will be made available to you, which may include videos or working documents. The features of each course or subscription are detailed on the product sheet or landing page for each of them, which you declare to have read and accepted by agreeing to these terms.

Subscription to the services of the Genius Ai algorithm through the website.

3. Subscription to Courses or Subscriptions: To subscribe to one of the training services, you will need to click on the link provided for this purpose, and you will be automatically redirected to the registration form where you will need to provide your personal data and proceed to pay for the training service using the payment method by credit card, bank transfer, or direct debit. Once the process is completed, the system will confirm your purchase by email within a maximum period of 24 hours.

4. Intellectual Property of Training Materials: GENIUS is the legitimate owner of all intellectual property rights of the courses, subscriptions, and content offered (including but not limited to: images, audio, video, software, algorithms, or texts, trademarks or logos, color combinations, structure and design, selection of materials used, applications necessary for their operation, access, and use, etc.). It is expressly forbidden to reproduce, distribute, publicly communicate, including by making available, or transform all or part of the courses and/or content, by any means and on any technical medium, as well as any form of exploitation of the same, without the express written authorization of GENIUS. It is also expressly forbidden to remove, alter, bypass, or manipulate any protection device or security system installed on GENIUS pages. For clarity, practices such as reselling courses and/or content, or subscribing to a course and/or content and services on behalf of another person to provide access to third parties, are expressly prohibited and will be grounds for termination of the content license agreement, with no right to a refund of amounts paid and without prejudice to GENIUS’s right to take appropriate legal action to protect its legitimate interests. It is specified that the violation of the aforementioned prohibitions may even constitute an intellectual property offense under Article 270 of the Criminal Code, punishable by imprisonment.

5. License to Use:

5.1. License to Use Courses and/or Content: Subscribing to any of the courses and/or subscriptions grants you a non-exclusive, temporary, personal, and non-transferable license in exchange for a specified and publicly displayed price on the website. You must subscribe to as many licenses as there are users who will access the course and/or subscription services. GENIUS reserves the right to revoke access to the service, without a refund of amounts paid, in case of making access available to third parties other than the subscriber, without prejudice to GENIUS’s right to claim any compensation for damages. It is therefore expressly forbidden to use the courses and/or subscriptions for any purpose other than your own training or use, and any inappropriate or illegal use is solely your responsibility.

6. Liability:

6.1. GENIUS cannot guarantee that there will be no interruptions or errors in accessing the Website or the Content. However, as soon as it becomes aware of such incidents, GENIUS is committed to taking all actions to restore or repair these incidents, unless there are causes that make this impossible or difficult to achieve.

6.2. It is expressly stated that the Content consists of advice, recommendations, or suggestions from professionals and/or users based on their own experience, with no guarantee of achieving a specific result by implementing the methods contained in the courses and/or subscriptions offered.

7. Course Subscription Procedure:

7.1. Language: The course subscription procedure can be carried out in French, English, or Spanish, subject to availability.

7.2. Copy of Purchase Conditions: GENIUS will not keep a copy of these subscription conditions, so it is recommended that you retain them.

7.3. Technical Means: The system does not have technical means to identify and correct errors when you provide us with your data through the designated forms unless it detects that a field necessary for processing the request has not been filled in.

7.4. Access Codes: Access codes (username and password) are confidential.

Therefore, you must use them with due diligence and keep them securely so that they cannot be used by third parties, regardless of the relationship you have with these third parties, as their transfer is not authorized, and in case of non-compliance, you will lose access without prejudice to GENIUS’s right to take appropriate legal action. Consequently, you agree to immediately inform GENIUS of the loss of access codes, regardless of the cause, as well as any danger or breach of their confidentiality, failing which you will be responsible for any damage or harm caused by verified access using these codes.

7.5. Payment Methods: You can make payment using the method available at the time of subscription.

Credit/Debit Card Payment: If you choose to pay this way, you guarantee that you have full authorization to use the card in the subscription process. The card will be charged in real-time through Stripe. We will not retain any card data. During the order processing, card data will be transmitted in encrypted and secure form, solely for the purpose of payment to the financial entity for the amount corresponding to the order placed. Cards will be subject to checks and authorizations by the issuing entity, but if this entity does not authorize payment, the purchase contract will not be considered formally concluded.

Bank Transfer: If you choose to pay this way, the provision of the purchased product or service is subject to verification of payment in GENIUS’s bank account.

Direct Debit: If you choose to pay this way, you authorize GENIUS to debit your bank account for the amount of the products and/or services you have purchased.

7.6. Subscription and Recurring Payments: Acceptance of these general sales conditions implies acceptance of all scheduled recurring payments and debits intended to settle customer invoices.

Subscriptions and recurring payments can be temporarily or permanently suspended through the Profile page of the website.

8. Prices and Invoicing:

8.1. Prices: The prices of the courses are those published on the Website and include the applicable VAT at any given time and must be paid according to the method indicated at the time of subscription.


.2. Invoicing: An invoice will be issued, indicating the value-added tax (VAT) applicable according to the rate applicable at any given time. You expressly consent to the issuance of an electronic simplified invoice, which you will receive by email. If you are considered a consumer and user, you can revoke this consent by sending an email to that effect.

9. Claims: Any claim related to the provision of the service will be processed at the email address

9.1. Online Dispute Resolution Platform of the European Union: It is brought to the attention of the user, residing in the European Union, that they also have the possibility to use the Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform via the following link: Through this platform, consumers and businesses can submit complaints using an electronic form available in all languages of the European Union, for all disputes related to electronic commerce or the provision of online services, in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 and Directive 2013/11/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on alternative dispute resolution for consumer disputes.

9. Right of Withdrawal: The right of withdrawal is the possibility that consumer and user protection regulations (Royal Decree 1/2007 approving the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users – TRLDCYU) recognize for cancelling a distance contract within 14 days from the date of subscription, without having to provide an explanation and with the right to a refund of the amounts paid. However, this regulation provides exceptions to this right of withdrawal, including Article 103, paragraph m) of the TRLGDCYU, which states that the right of withdrawal does not apply to the supply of digital content that is not provided on a tangible medium when performance has begun with the express consent of the consumer and user, with their knowledge that they thereby lose their right of withdrawal. Therefore, by accepting these conditions, if you have subscribed to any of GENIUS’s training services, you expressly consent to waive the right of withdrawal from the moment you commence the execution of the digital content made available to you, and GENIUS is not obligated to refund any amounts paid in this regard. Regardless of the loss of the right of withdrawal in accordance with the foregoing, the withdrawal period shall expire 14 calendar days from the date of subscription to the relevant service.

9.1. Exercise of the Right of Withdrawal: To exercise your right of withdrawal, you must notify us of your decision to cancel the contract by means of a clear statement (e.g., an email or postal communication). To this end, you may use the following model withdrawal form, although its use is not mandatory:

Model Withdrawal Form in accordance with the annex to the 2007 Consumer and User Law (the user can copy and paste the following form into an email and insert their details if they wish to cancel the contract):

To the attention of GENIUS STATION, S.L., with registered office at Carrer Duran I Bas 3b 08328 Alella Parc Spain and VAT number: ESB67625004. Contact email address: I hereby inform you of my/our decision to revoke the sales contract for the Content ________________________, the request for which was made on ___/___/20__. Name and surname of the USER/USERS: ___________________________________________________________ Address of the USER/USERS: ______________________________________________________________ Date of the withdrawal notice: ___/___/20__.

10. Consequences of Withdrawal: In the event of exercised and notified withdrawal, and upon receipt of said communication, we will proceed to refund the amounts paid for the corresponding subscription as soon as possible.

11. GENIUS’s Obligations: GENIUS will indicate, during the course of each service, the necessary and/or optional academic documentation as well as the material means that may facilitate your learning work. GENIUS will consider your suggestions for improving courses and other activities. For any suggestions, whether academic or administrative, you can contact us at the email address GENIUS reserves the right to make occasional modifications to the training plan. All such modifications will respond to the need to update the content to be taught, improve the achievement of educational objectives, or unforeseen or anticipated but unavoidable circumstances, such as illness among team members. In all cases, GENIUS will make every effort to make the appropriate replacements or modifications to avoid any reduction in the quality of the training service.

12. Exclusion: You may be excluded if you seriously or repeatedly breach the obligations established in these terms. Serious violations include: – Disrespect towards other classmates or GENIUS staff. – Violation of intellectual property obligations regarding course content. – Falseness, in whole or in part, of the data provided during the admission process and non-payment of the total program price in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated. – Exclusion of the student results in the loss of access rights to GENIUS’s private content.

13. Modification of Subscription Conditions: GENIUS reserves the right to modify the subscription conditions of the courses, with such modifications not affecting in any way subscriptions made prior to any such modifications, and the terms and conditions published on the website at the time of the user’s acceptance will be respected.

14. Applicable Law: These general conditions are governed by Spanish law.